vacation scenes

Last week we were adventuring back east visiting friends, eating non-stop, cheers’ing every single day, laughing, hiking, playing, and just generally enjoying summer and little time away.

Atlanta, GA –> Asheville, NC –> Knoxville, TN

*all photos taken with an iPhone*

// King of Pops – Chocolate Sea Salt

vacation scenes ATL |

// Atlanta Braves game

vacation scenes ATL |

// hiking around the Blue Ridge Parkway

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// Blue Ridge Parkway views

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// waterfall hike + swim

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// more Blue Ridge Parkway views

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// lunch at Rosetta’s Kitchen in Asheville

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// hiking + swimming in icy cold water

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// cabin view near Asheville

vacation scenes Asheville, NC |

// downtown Knoxville

vacation scenes Knoxville, TN |

// loved the historic charm in downtown Knox

vacation scenes Knoxville, TN |

// heading to dinner by boat on the TN river

vacation scenes Knoxville, TN |

// sunrise paddle boarding before heading to the airport in Knoxville

vacation scenes Knoxville, TN |

Even though we jumped around a lot the trip felt very relaxing. It was the most unplugged I’ve been in years and it was so needed. I got as much work done before the trip as possible and then just tried to clear it from my mind. I checked email once in awhile but wasn’t responding, and I also deleted the Facebook app from my phone which 85% of the time I find myself clicking without even realizing what I’m doing. Definitely didn’t miss it at all! I also keep my “alerts” turned off for all apps and email, so there is no constant dinging to distract me [even day to day...not just on vacation]. I also highly recommend coming back from vacation on a Saturday so you have a full day to recoup, do laundry, etc. before having to get back to work.

Looking forward to enjoying the end of summer in Colorado!

Recipes coming soon!
