pass the pumpkin

This season, I’ve gotten a lot more creative with the pumpkin usage and it’s not over yet! 

Here is my latest creation!  While making the pumpkin French toast this weekend, I got the idea to make BAKED pumpkin French toast.  I noticed 1/2 of a lonely Italian loaf that was longing to be used up.  What better way then to try this out, vegan style.

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I figured I could just wing it by using a flax “egg” or two, pumpkin puree + spices.

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To my delight….

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It worked!!! 

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Better than I hoped!

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The result was a very doughy + gooey, but crusty on top, vegan baked French toast. 

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I loved making the individual portions in the little soup bowls.  You could even make smaller portions in ramekin bowls, which would be super cute.  You could also double the recipe and bake it in an 8x8 baking dish.

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I loved that it held it’s shape when I scooped it out. 

Smothered with:

  • pumpkin spice almond butter sauce [1T nut butter + 1T almond milk + microwave 15-20sec + stir = amaaazing]
  • pumpkin butter
  • walnuts
  • banana [hiding under the sauce!]

The almond butter is underneath the pumpkin butter…you can kind of see it coming down in the front. 

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Also topped with a drizzle of maple syrup.

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I loved the broken up bread cubes.  It made eating easier! :)

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And on the inside you have doughy, pumpkin, deliciousness, just waiting to be gobbled UP!

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This was packed with pumpkiny flavor and kept me full for hours!  I recommend using any type of thick bakery bread like, challah, Italian, French, Ciabatta or Sourdough. 


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Did you see the Hangry Pants post, Macaroon Monday??  Just a fun little contest, put on by Heather, encouraging people to try a new kitchen creation.  This is my entry for that!  :)

Vegan Baked Pumpkin French Toast [serves 2]

  • ~3c cubed day old bread [not soft sandwich bread]
  • 2 flax “eggs” [2T ground flax meal + 6T warm water, whisked + let sit for 10min]
  • 3T pumpkin puree
  • 2T almond milk
  • 1T sucanat [cane sugar or brown sugar]
  • 1t cinnamon
  • 1/2t vanilla
  • 1/4t ginger
  • pinch of allspice/nutmeg/cloves/salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350*
  2. After flax “eggs” are ready, whisk in all other ingredients, in a large bowl.
  3. Add bread cubes and stir to coat with the batter.
  4. Spray individual bowls or pan [bread loaf size] with cooking spray.  Also spray 1 side of foil that will cover the bowls/pan.
  5. Add bread cubes to bowls/pan, letting excess batter drip off.
  6. Cover with greased foil and bake for 25min.
  7. Uncover and bake an additional 5min.
  8. Top with bananas + nuts [optional] and broil for 1-3min, watching closely so it does not burn.
  9. Scoop out, top + serve!

*If you don’t want to eat this with any sweet toppings, I would suggest doubling the amount of sugar you mix into the recipe.  The French toast alone is not very sweet.


<3 Ashley

Check out my latest City Sports post – Healthy Sandwiches on the Run