behind the scenes | doughnuts week 1

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

iPhone captures below

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

behind the scenes-doughnuts week 1 | edible perspective

10 things from the week:

  1. Before inviting people over to pick up doughnuts be sure to check your face and clothing for crusty, dried doughnut batter.  Thanks for noticing, Kelsey [and happy birthday!!!!!].
  2. Doughnut tasting is the new lunch.
  3. Expect to make each doughnut at least twice because each recipe has to be juuust riiiight.  And because you are partially insane.
  4. Turn the freaking oven timer on!!!!! 
  5. I have a low tolerance for sugar and can now be found shaking Monday –> Friday…and probably Saturday + Sunday as well.
  6. Know that if I invite you over for doughnuts I will most likely be covered in doughnut batter, have fruit smeared on my face, and look like a hot, sweaty mess.  Thank you 90* heat and no A/C! 
  7. Also know that you are most likely the first person I have seen in the entire day and you are about to hear me talk about that day’s doughnut drama for 37 minutes before I let you eat any. 
  8. Explaining to people that I make + photograph doughnuts will never sound like a difficult job.  I swear it is.
  9. There is just no possible way to “clean as you go.”  Impossible!
  10. I need a boss.  Or an assistant.  Or more people to taste doughnuts.



If this post makes no sense refer here.