it’s thursday


I told you I was going to top breakfast with one of the coconut butter cups and that was no lie.  And as expected, it was delicious. 

What’s in the bowl?  1/4c oats + 1/4c oat bran + 1/2 banana + 1T chia seeds + 1t cinnamon + water + milk + more milk on top + 1 coconut butter cup

Coffee with half + half on the side.  Always.

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I rarely by cereal.  Like, once every 2-3 months at the most.  Ever since making popped amaranth I have little desire to buy boxed cereal.  However, these peanut butter panda puffs are my weakness.  I blame my mom for this purchase.  She was in town, loves the panda puffs as much as I do, and found that the bag was on sale and much cheaper than the measly sized box.

Thanks mom…I think?

Every time I pass through the kitchen,  I end up with a fistful [or three] in my mouth. 

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My cupboards are in dire need of some spring cleaning.  Anyone else?  But the drawers + doors still close with no protruding objects, so that task can wait.

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After about 8 months, 3 mile walks 6x/week, and wearing them practically everywhere else, my New Balance Minimus shoes finally bit the dust.  I still love my Vibram 5 Fingers for walking, but wanted to give a different minimalist shoe a chance and I absolutely love these.  I highly recommend them!

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So I replaced them with the most obnoxious color I could find.

Okay, so the full story is that I bought them at REI because I had a gift card and a 20% off coupon.  They only had two color choices but the savings was worth it!

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Pair them with my hot pink running [or walking, in my case] shorts and I should probably win a style award.

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I’m still going strong with the at home gym in our tiny office.  It’s frustrating at times because of the size, but it works + is saving us money.  I think I owe you an update on my workout routine sometime soon!

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Kenna’s tale never stops wagging.  Just say her name and it’s thumping on the floor. 

Happiest dog ever.

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Sadly, this is the state of our vegetable garden.

Hangs head…

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A few weeks ago, Chris built, stained, and painted us a fancy cornhole set.  Please tell me you’ve played this before!  We are addicted and play almost every night.

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It’s Thursday.  Tell me something about your week!


blog updates:

  • My recipe page has been updated.  FYI – the “recipes” tab is a drop down menu not a direct link.  I’m hoping to start entering my recipes into Recipage soon, but for now you can access them “by title” under the “recipes” menu.
  • I’m about halfway through reinserting 30 posts worth of photos that were lost during the blog move.  Oy.
  • If you’re not up to date with my new feed, this is it:
  • I had a section titled “other pages” on the right sidebar but just moved it to the top and changed the name to “extras.”  It’s also a dropdown menu.
  • If you haven’t check out my About + FAQ pages since the blog move, they were completely updated.