what’s in that cup?

This morning was a bit rushed, but my breakfast couldn’t be compromised.

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I made a large pot of plain cooked millet Monday night, for easy leftovers.  Millet is one of my very favorite grains.  I love everything about it.  However, I’ve never eaten it for breakfast.  It always seems like more of a lunch/dinner grain to me.

But if you cook it plain [water only] you can easily whip it into breakfast.

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The millet was heated up in a pot this morning, with almond milk.  I also added frozen cherries + blueberries and cooked it until the liquid was absorbed.  This created a very creamy + thick consistency.

Layered with: banana/almonds/currants/raw buckwheat groats/salted honey cashew butter/maple cinnamon almond butter 

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Breakfast was ready in 8min flat and gobbled up in no time.

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Millet Porridge

  • ~1 – 1 1/4c precooked millet [cooked in water]
  • 1/2 unsweetened almond milk
  • 1t cinnamon
  • 1t vanilla
  • 1/3c frozen blueberries
  • 1/3c frozen cherries
  1. In a pot over medium heat, add millet + milk together.
  2. Stir and bring to a simmer for 3-5min.
  3. Once it starts to thicken, add in frozen fruit, if using. 
  4. Done when fruit is cooked through and desired consistency is met. 

Love the crunchy buckwheat groats on top!  The 2 nut butters were DEEvine.  I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve eaten the maple cinnamon almond butter.  I savored every little bite!

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In other breakfast news….Chris’s breakfast was a toasted bagel with smoked paprika almond butter.  I was shocked when he wanted this for breakfast, but he confirmed it was “delicious.”  FYI – this nut butter is also delicious on pan sautéed broccoli.  Yum.

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Tons of progress made today!  The kitchen is fully primed, as is the bathroom.  It was a long + tiring day.  Bathrooms are no fun to paint.  You basically turn around on yourself a million times and get paint everywhere.  It takes forever and tomorrow I get to put two coats of actual paint on! Yaaay [sarcasm]  We’re slowly making progress on the packing.  It’s hard to tell exactly how much more there is, and we don’t have too much to purge, since we’ve moved 3 times in the past 1.5yrs!  At least we’re not doing a long-distance move this time! 

Off to relax for a few + then get to bed!
