buckwheat in a bowl

After talking to Teri on g-chat last night, she had me convinced to make the banana breakfast cookie with pumpkin, not banana.  As a pumpkin lover, I was game.  I haven’t opened a can of pumpkin in at least a month, so this was long overdo. 

I consulted Teri’s version first and then got busy in the kitchen.  I’ve been trying to stay away from oats for the past week-ish.  So many people have commented about the cross-contamination between wheat + oats in production, and while I don’t think I’m quite that sensitive, I’ve been looking to other morning alternatives. [brown rice pudding, coconut flour pancakes, creamy buckwheat, etc.]  I have still been enjoying the Trail Mix Cookies with oats though.  Sue me!

This morning, instead of making the cookie with oats, I made it with ground buckwheat groats!  I am loving buckwheat and it is insanely nutritious.  Even better!

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Buckwheat Pumpkin Breakfast Cookie [serves 1]

  • 1/4c ground buckwheat groats [untoasted]
  • 1T whole buckwheat groats
  • 1/2-1t cinnamon
  • 1/2T vanilla
  • 1/4c pumpkin puree
  • 1/4t baking powder
  • 1 egg white
  • 1T chia seeds
  • 2T chopped walnuts [I use my hand, because like Teri, I am also a ninja]
  • 2T almond milk
  • 1/4t ground ginger
  • pinch nutmeg/allspice
  1. In a microwave safe bowl [a wide cereal bowl], whisk egg, pumpkin, vanilla and almond milk.
  2. Add other ingredients and mix well with fork.
  3. Microwave for 1min 30sec – 1min 45sec. [cook timevaries depending how wide the bowl is]

Would you look at this beauty???  Buckwheat has no sweetness to it, and because I used pumpkin instead of banana, this is not sweet at all.  With my banana/pnut butter/coconut butter topping, it was perfect for me though.  However, you may want to add 2t sucanat/pure cane sugar/maple syrup/honey to the mixture, or you can always put it on top, after.  Or, you can just mash 1/2 banana, instead of the pumpkin. :)

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I’m sure you can make this vegan and leave the egg white out.  The chia should hold it together.  Maybe I’ll test this tomorrow, so I can tell you for sure. :)  A flax egg could do the trick too!  This cookie was very dense and with the peanut butter.  Quite the mouthful! 

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I love that this worked with buckwheat…just check out these stats!!!!!!!  Hello protein + fiber!!!  This is without toppings.  Check out the calcium too.  I’m so excited about this!


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I broke out the juicer around lunchtime.  Am I craZZy with this combo??  Chard??? 

In the mix:

  • 4 chard leaves
  • 2 small apples
  • 1 large cucumber
  • chunk of ginger

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Now that is green!

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The chard flavor was quite strong, but I managed to suck it down.  Don’t think I’ll be juicing chard again though!! haha 

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I think lemon would have helped!  A lot of people have been asking about how easily the juicer cleans.  I actually think it’s easier than my large food processor to clean.  The blade on the food proc. can be really hard to clean and the edge inside the bowl is not easy to fully clean either.  The juicer has 5 parts to clean, but 4 of them really just need a good rinse.  I use a soap wand quickly and the first 4 pieces are cleaned in 1 minute.  The hardest part is the mesh strainer/blade.  It takes a little scrubbing to get all the gunk out of the mesh, but it’s not too bad.  It came with a brush to help!

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More pumpkin with lunch!

Udi’s gluten free bagel [deeelicious!!!] with:

  • peanut butter
  • banana
  • pumpkin
  • coconut
  • cinnamon

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I’ve never tried this combo in a sandwich, and it was faaaabulous! 

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I’ve been making really quick dinners lately, but tonight I wanted to cook!

Chickpeas + curry were on my mind and then this is what happened.

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coconut millet + quinoa and tomato coconut curry with chickpeas

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Tomato Coconut Curry [serves 3-4]

  • 15oz can diced tomatoes, juices drained
  • 1c low-fat coconut milk [from the can]
  • 1T unrefined coconut oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 small onion [~3” diam], sliced
  • 1.5T curry powder
  • 2t turmeric
  • 1/8t garam masala, or to taste – this stuff is spicy!
  • 1T grated ginger
  • lemon zest from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 squeeze of lemon
  • 1/4t salt
  • 2t maple syrup

Coconut Millet Quinoa [serves 3-4]

  • 1/2c millet, rinsed
  • 1/2c quinoa, rinsed
  • 1c water
  • 1c coconut milk [from carton – or if using canned use 1/2c + 1/2c water]
  • 1T coconut oil
  1. In a large pot, heat coconut oil over medium.
  2. Add sliced onion and cook 3-5min, until soft and lightly browned.
  3. Add garlic, cook 1min.
  4. Add curry, turmeric, garam masala, ginger, and salt.
  5. Cook ~1min until fragrant.
  6. Pour in tomatoes, coconut milk, lemon zest, lemon juice, and maple syrup.
  7. Stir and bring to a boil.
  8. Reduce heat to simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 20-25min
  9. In another pot, heat coconut oil over medium.
  10. Add in quinoa and millet once hot, and toast for 2-3min.
  11. Add water + milk to the pot, stir once and bring to a boil.
  12. Reduce heat to simmer and cover for ~20min, until liquid is absorbed. Do not open lid + stir while cooking.
  13. Turn off heat and take off burner.  Let sit 5-10min and fluff with a fork.
  14. Serve.

This hit the spot!

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I also added a few new prints to my Etsy store today!  Here are 2 of my favorites.

[on a boat leaving Sausalito, CA back to San Fran]

golden bridge

[Cleveland botanical gardens]


Save 20% with code - “first50” 

I finally got out to walk the dogs today.  It felt so good to stretch my legs!!  I’ve been stuck on the couch for way too long.  I also did 20min of yoga to help loosen up.  So nice. :)

Time to watch The Office + go to bed!
