sticking with it on the go
/The morning started with my alarm at 4:45am. The morning drive was fairly smooth. I held off on breakfast until about 7:30am, which was nearly impossible. If I would have eaten at 5am, it would have completely messed up my eating for the entire day. Breakfast + lunch were packed to-go style, for easy eating in the car. I typically pack two large travel mugs of coffee, but packed mine with vanilla cinnamon tea today.

I tried a new [to me] Bob’s Red Mill gluten free breakfast cereal. I used it to make overnight and added 1/3c of the cereal, banana, blueberry, unsweetened almond milk, chia seeds + cinnamon. I’m not sure if it was the cereal mix or the chia seeds or both, but it held me over for 5 hours. This never happens, especially when snowboarding.
As we got closer to the mountains, the weather got a bit nasty. When we left Ft. Collins at 5:30am, it was 50 degrees out! The mountain wasn’t too cold today, but the wind was out of control!

They didn’t have a lot of the lifts open because the wind was so bad. It snowed the whole day as well, which made for some interesting conditions.

We actually found some great untracked snow through the trees. My legs were dead! Powder takes so much more work to move through than groomed runs.

There were a few times that the wind was so intense, it almost stopped me while I was boarding!

I couldn’t wait to get back to the car for lunch. Typically, I pack pb+j, but sticking to the detox I made something even better! This salad didn’t take long to throw together and was full of everything I love.
- tons of spinach
- 2 hard boiled eggs
- mini bellas
- 2 large carrots
- pepitas

The best part about eating salad in tupperware, is that it’s super easy to spread the dressing around. Just cover + shake!
dressing: walnut oil + apple cider vinegar + balsamic + pepper

All of this fruit was consumed during the drive home. How terrible is my 4.5yr old point n’ shoot!? haha

As well as this chocolate coconut dough ball for dessert! So delicious :)

A little cold…a little tired…bracing for what we knew would be about a 3-3.5hr ride home, because of bad weather + holiday weekend traffic.

My hero of a driver!!

It ended up taking over TWO hours just to get from Keystone through the main tunnel. Typically, it takes 20-25min!!

This is how I felt about the situation. Although, I can’t complain, because I kept nodding off.

Clear skies + Denver in sight. From this point it should have taken about 1.5 hours to get back to Ft. Collins.

We hit rush hour traffic in Denver, of course, and then were in stop + go traffic for THREE hours just past Denver. It was insane! The weather was fine and this wasn’t just rush hour, so we knew it had to be something serious. When we finally drove by the scene, we couldn’t really see much. There was a semi on the other side of the highway about to be towed off and on our side of the highway, a coroner’s van. Later we found out the details of the accident, which were very tragic. :(

It took a total of 6 hours and 40 minutes to get home. Once home, we unpacked the car and I got going on dinner. I made Chris some breaded tempeh [his recipe!] and I heated up leftovers [from last night] for myself. Ooooh, did that tempeh look delicious!!!
I’m going to return to my normal posting now [not showing every single meal I eat], but will still do overviews of how my detox is going. Today I felt great and loved how easy it was to make a delicious + healthy, detox friendly meal on the go!
I’m 100% ready for bed! Look out for an afternoon post with a giveaway that will help clear your mind + make you stronger!