Electrolux #splits overnight oats – split style!

When I heard about the Banana Split Top 9 Takeover contest for Foodbuzz [an Edible Perspective sponsor], an idea instantly came to mind! 

Submitting to this contest also donated $50 to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund [OCRF], which is when I knew I had to partake.  Electrolux + Kelly Ripa teamed up with, the very generous Foodbuzz, to raise money for this awesome cause. 

Foodbuzz asked all of their Featured Publishers to create the ultimate banana split and post it to our blog.  Foodbuzz is donating $50 for each submittal along with a chance to be featured on “Today’s Top 9” on Monday, July 19th.  Typically, the Today’s Top 9 photos, are the best food photos that have been submitted the day before from any of the featured publishers.  However, on Monday, the banana splits are taking over!  There will be 9 featured banana splits…and maybe mine will show up?? 

I’ve never actually been a big fan of the traditional banana split.  Honestly, I’m not even sure if I’ve ever eaten one.  I would rather just have a plain bowl of ice cream.  However, dessert was not on the brain.  Breakfast was.  You all are aware that breakfast is my favorite.  Obviously, I was going to make a Breakfast Banana Split [BBS]!!

I think I went a little bananas…hehehe

Component ONE:

Cherry Banana Soft Serve

  • 1 large frozen banana
  • ~8 pitted cherries [frozen or fresh]
  1. Combine in food processor for about 3min until creamy and soft serve like, in texture.  You might need to scrape the bowl a few times.  Frozen cherries will help keep the consistency a little thicker, but either work.

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Component TWO:

The Banana

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Aaaaaaand done.  Easy!

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Component THREE:

Vegan Overnight Oats

  • 1/3c rolled oats
  • 2/3c milk [any type will work]
  • 1T chia seeds
  • 1/2t cinnamon

optional mix-ins:

  • 1t cocoa powder
  • 1/2 scoop Chocolate Amazing Grass
  • 1t maple syrup
  1. Stir everything together and seal in a container overnight in the fridge.
  2. Stir in the morning.

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Component FOUR:


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Can’t forget the cherry on top!

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All together now….

Vegan Overnight Oat Banana Split


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Help me decide which photo to submit!!!  Which is your favorite??  I have 2 that I can’t decide between.

Oh yah…and this tasted DEElicious :)

Thanks to Foodbuzz, for their constant generosity!!

See you soon!


p.s. Do you like couscous?  Do you like FREE couscous?  Have you entered my contest?  The contest ends today at 5pm [mountain time].  I’ll be announcing the winner via Twitter + Facebook.  Are you a follower?  Facebook Fan Page  Your kitchen disaster stories have brought me to near tears.  They are HYSterical :)