1 challenge down
/So guess what? While you’re probably more interested in the chocolate-coconut-pnut butter, that is not the challenge I surpassed today. My first trial for that will be on Thursday. Have no fear..it is coming ;)
However, I totally rocked my 18 mile bike ride today!! So much so, that I actually rode 21 miles :)
- 21 miles – 1hr 21min – 15.5mph
Before we left, I was not 100% excited about the ride. My body was a little tired, probably from yesterday’s swim, and I didn’t get the best night’s sleep. We hopped on and made our way to the park. Chris rode ahead for the first few laps and I tried to get in the zone, at my own pace. Everything was going fine, not terrible, not fabulous. However, after about 10 miles I started to feel really good and even better after 15. Chris lapped me [haha] and hung with me for the last 2 laps [~5m] and just at the point we were going to turn off to head home I sped by and went for another lap! I felt like I flew on the last lap and it was awesome. I had planned to do about 18 miles but why stop when you’re feeling good??
Wait. Back up. I totally killed a huge breakfast before this ride….and a snack.

Triple Threat Oats
- 1/3c Bob’s Red Mill Scottish Oats
- 1c water
- 1/4c coconut kefir
- 1/4c applesauce
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2t cinnamon
Topped with:
- coconut butter
- maple cinnamon almond butter
- whole foods organic jam
- dried coconut flakes
- hemp seeds
- Annie’s honey bunnies
Move over Irish Steal Cut Oats, these Scottish Oats are amazingly creamy + delicious. Oh man oh man.

They still take a little longer to cook than rolled oats, but not quite as long as steel cut. I was completely impressed by these. I know I’ve only had them once, but texture wise, they miiight be my favorite!!!?? We shall see.

Exactly 2hrs later…[my stomach is SO punctual]…I was ravenous.
Pre-bike snack
1/2 whole wheat tortilla [local!] + 1/2 leftover bananer + ~1T MC-AB

To continue my biking story…I actually spent a lot of the ride thinking about food + my health + blogging. What strange things run through your head when you’re on a bike, in the water, or moving your feet on pavement. I was thinking about how much of my life I focus on food. Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE food. I don’t have to tell you that. However, it is somewhat odd when, right after breakfast I am thinking “what shall I make for lunch??” I could afford to wait at least an hour after breakfast to start thinking about food again…don’t you think? :)
So, getting away from thinking “what’s for lunch,” although I was pretty hungry while riding and contemplating my lunch…I spent much of the time thinking about the new activities I have recently come to love and I just tried to let my mind “go” on this gorgeous spring day. Some of my thinking was about when I injured my feet, from pushing too hard-too fast with my Vibrams. I won’t say that I’m glad I injured my feet. I mean who wants an injury? No thanks. However, I am glad for what it has pushed me to do. If I didn’t have to take time off from running, I don’t think I would have been as likely to hop in the pool or on a bike. They are both things I have wanted to do, but I felt like I couldn’t take the break from running.
I also wouldn’t have started strength training again. I was too focused on running and was letting that take up most of my workout time. It was like running was holding me back. I feel free now! Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to start running again in my sweet shoes, but I am enjoying this time away from it. My mind has grown and I feel SO much healthier for expanding my workouts. I really just became a runner about 1.5yrs ago. I wasn’t obsessed by any means but just felt like I didn’t have time to incorporate other forms of cardio + conditioning into my routine.
If you run, and only run and that works for you, that is fabulous. For me? I realized I excel with more stimulation. I swim one day and do a 30min yoga sesh, then bike + rock climb the next. Some days I Whittle My Middle and some days I lift instead of hitting up the rock gym. I have seen a definite difference in my body and in how I feel mentally. I am loving it!
I also think it’s interesting that I notice myself “getting in the zone” after I’m about 1/2 done with the distance I’m shooting for. It takes my mind awhile to let go. This happens to me with yoga as well. At first, thoughts are racing around my head, but when I start to actually focus on my breathing and my body, things just work so much better. Focusing on breathing does wonders for my cardio + yoga workouts and also for falling asleep faster.
I’m pretty exhausted right now, so I don’t want to start rambling [too much]. I have more to talk about but would first love to hear if any of you have experienced anything like this? I want to talk a little more about the satisfaction that comes from rock climbing and how I someday want to put my mind to the test and shoot for a much more difficult endurance race.
Until then…I present you with more food!
Post-ride snack: champagne mango + kiwi + dark chocolate covered pom seeds [my mom sent them from trader joe’s ;) SO good]

Instead of trying to figure out what to make for lunch, Chris and I headed out to Vine Street for a laaate lunch. This place will never get old to me. Their menu is huge and they always have about 4 specials each day. They also have a different hummus + soup each day. LOVE it.
I started off with an 8oz of their Blackberry Wheat. They brew their own beers and they are delicious.

It was definitely patio weather. This beer looks like like juice, but the fruit taste is not too sweet and pretty much summer beer perfection.

Chris got the vegan Tempeh Reuben. I brought up how much our food choices have changed and was asking him if 3yrs ago he would ever think he’d be ordering a vegan tempeh sandwich. Our tastes have definitely changed together. It’s been fun exploring together :) Okay and this tempeh was UHmazing. I’m pretty sure they make it in house and they bake it in their own beer.
best.tempeh.ever. with a vegan 1000 island dressing + cheeeese

Prepare to be amazed for some sandwich heaven. This baby was on special and WOW am I glad I tried it. It needs to be a regular menu item for sure.
- whole wheat toast
- tons of avocado
- roasted sweet taters
- monterey jack
- few red onions
- sprouts
Creamy + Crunchy

I ate every.single.bite. as I was completely STarving from the bike ride. I WILL make this at home.

We went to the rock gym tonight and I finished a problem that I really didn’t think I would be able to complete. I also got much further on one problem that I basically had given up on because I was convinced I couldn’t get any further because of my height. I’m so silly. It felt GREAT to prove myself wrong…twice! Time for this girl to get some shut-eye. I’m working tomorrow…catch you all later!