Although creepily close to the calories I probably consume in a day, that number is representative of a MUCH bigger event!  It’s the year my parents were married and TODAY is their THIRTY-FIFTH wedding anniversary!!  Since I forgot to send a card [doh!] I figured the blog will do. 

I want to share a little of my parents with all of you.  To say I’m lucky to have them as parents is an understatement. 

My parents have always been there for me supporting me, every step of the way.  Whether it was in letting me decorate my own room in our basement, daddy-daughter date night, my mom doing my spelling book homework, coming to ALL of my high school sporting events, watching me sing + dance in show choir, choosing Ohio State for college, picking Architecture as my major, moving to Charlotte for grad school, getting married, driving to NC to see me run a 1/2 marathon, opening a granola bar business, moving to Colorado, having a blog, eating weird food, trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life….they are ALWAYS there. 

I can’t imagine my life without them.  Even though we’re so far away, they still play such a large role in it!

Thank you parents, for being amazing…and being amazing together!  35 years is no easy task and I can’t wait til the day Chris + I make it there just like you two.  You have set a great example for commitment and love and never giving up on each other.  Now don’t get all faklempt [choked up] on me please ;)

Wish I could be there to help celebrate the day…it’s a big one!!

Now let me dig up a few photos…

November ‘09 [my bro on the far right]


Summer ‘09


Look at how little Kenna Beans is!!


[My external hard drive is giving me problems…hope to get a few more photos up tomorrow]

I hope you both have a fantastical daaaay filled with lots of looooooooooove…you deserve it!

Off to sleepy land….


Ashley, Chris, Kenna Beans, and Da-doda


p.s. definitely have another post comin’ your way tomorrow afternoon…check BACK…sooooo much to talk about!!!