paper towel bounce
/I’ve been meaning to buy a piece of white foam board to bounce light when taking photographs. This helps to alleviate shadows on 1 side of the subject. The light bounces from the white board onto the subject to help brighten things up.
This morning, I decided to create a light bounce with a paper towel roll. I laid it on the table with my oats [paper towel roll to the left – sun coming in from the right], pulled up a few sheets with my left hand [to bounce the light on the left side of the bowl] and snapped the photo with my right hand.
I wish Chris would have been home to take a photo of me taking these photos. I’m pretty sure it was quite the scene.
Here was the set up….it wasn’t perfect, but definitely helped a bit!
Oh yah…the oats. Pumpkin oats, obviously, with pumpkin almond butter, almonds, granola + coconut. MUNCH!
Nice + bright on the left side! I’ll try to show better documentation of this ghetto light bounce sometime soon. ;)
Pretty much anytime I have an open can of pumpkin, I make a pumpkin smoothie. Have you made one yet??? If not you must!!
This version had quite the ZING of spice. I put in a huge chunk of fresh ginger. Woweee!!
I thought I had such a great idea for dinner. I’ve made similar things before, but this one was totally blah blah blah.
First I cooked a GInormous spaghetti squash. Then I dug out all it’s stringy, squashy goodness and put it in a baking dish. I only used HALF of the squash and it completely filled this 8x8 pan. Huge I tell ya!
Then I rinsed + cooked red lentils to go on top of the squash to give it a little more oomph! Spaghetti squash isn’t exactly filling. These basically turned to mush after cooking. Lame.
I layered the mushy lentils on top of the squash, followed by a mound of steamed broccoli.
Then covered it with pasta sauce I did not like at all! I should have made my own but the convenience in a jar got me this time. Gr. Not only was the sauce crappy, my light was fading away. The sauce was by Muir Glen Organic and it was the “roasted garlic.” {gag}
However, I highly recommend their “garden vegetable.”
The saving ingredient was this parmesan bagel, from a local bagel shop. I ground it in the food processor for bread crumbs to bake on top. Uhhh, yum.
Awesome parmesan crumbs!
Eeeeeeek, kitchen lighting. This tasted about as good as it looks. I mean, it was definitely edible and I have eaten it twice now. However, definitely not recipe worthy.
blah blah blah
I have about 589 things to do before leaving for San Fran on Thursday morning. Please excuse my spaziness!!! :)
Also – I’m so glad you were all as excited about the Vegan Pumpkin Baked French toast as I was. There were many requests for me to come make breakfast for you…on my waaaaaaaay!!
Time to rest!