colorado sunset

Last night, while plunking away at the book, I looked out my window to see an eerie haze.  I didn’t have a direct view to the sky but everything had a pink-orange hue to it.  When I stepped outside I could not believe what the sky looked like.  Colorado sunsets never cease to amaze.  I just had to share.





I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and were able to make time for a little rest + relaxation.  Chris and I shared a fabulous—and delicious—Thanksgiving with our Colorado friends + family.  All 18 of us!

Stay tuned for a brussel sprout salad with cranberry basil dressing later this week.

Back to the book!


a wedding, a senior, a family

I had a recipe to share.

And then I shut my finger in the car door.

And then I came home, sat down at the computer, and deleted the photos off my camera from that recipe.

So, instead of that recipe here are some other photos I’ve taken lately.

A Costa Rica wedding with Ann + Chris, two of our amazing Denver friends.

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Senior photos with my cousin Elizabeth.

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And fall family photos with Laura, Travis, and Tate.  Three of my favorite people ever.

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And two special photos with my little buddy.  Thanks, Laura!



I’ll have that recipe soon.
